My Health Records Policy
The following information is taken from My Health Records Rule 2016:
The Practice will enforce the following in relation to all its employees and any Organisation with whom we engage under an agreement/contract:
- The manner by which the Practice authorises persons accessing the My Health Records system via or on behalf of the practice
- The manner of suspending and deactivating the user account of any authorised person:- who leaves the practice,
- The manner of suspending and deactivating the user account of any authorised person whose duties no longer require them to access the My Health Records system,
- The manner of suspending and deactivating the user account of any authorised person whose security has been compromised.
Our practice ensures the following:
- Training will be provided before a person is authorised to access the My Health Records system, including in relation to how to use the My Health Records system accurately and responsibly, the legal obligations on the practice and our staff members using the My Health Records system and the consequences of breaching those obligations.
- The process for identifying a person who requests access to a patient’s My Health Records is clear and followed and the person’s identity is communicated to the System Operator so that the healthcare provider and the practice is able to meet its obligations.
- Physical and information security measures are established and adhered to by the healthcare provider, the practice and people accessing the My Health Records system via or on behalf of the healthcare provider, the practice, including that user account management measures are implemented.
- Mitigation strategies to ensure My Health Records related security risks can be promptly identified, acted upon and reported to the Practice Manager.
The Practice will authorise the staff members within its team that require access to the My Health Records system by:
- Generating and maintaining an authorised employee register, which includes the name and HPI-I for all health care professionals working at the Practice or on behalf of the practice
- Registering both our HPI-O and the HPI-Is of our practitioners for publication in the Healthcare Provider Directory (HPD)
- Recording and keeping current the credentials of all our staff who require access to the My Health Records system
For a staff member who leaves the Practice we will deactivate their account by:
- De-activating the HPI-I in our clinical software and removal of individual login details
- Revising our Authorised Employee Register
- Keeping a local record of the revised Authorised Employee Register for audit trail purposes
For a staff member whose duties no longer require them to access the My Health Records system we will deactivate their account by:
- De-activating the HPI-I in our clinical software and removal of individual login details
- Revising our Authorised Employee Register
- Keeping a local record of the revised Authorised Employee Register for audit trail purposes
For a staff member whose security has been compromised we will immediately deactivate their account by:
- De-activating the HPI-I in our clinical software and removal of individual login details.
- Revising our Authorised Employee Register
- Keeping a local record of the revised Authorised Employee Register for audit trail purposes
- Keeping record of the details surrounding the event (e.g. who and why)
- Pursuing the necessary disciplinary action if necessary
Training will also be conducted as new functionality is introduced into the system. We will utilise the training resources made available by the System Operator, as a minimum. To assist in ensuring training completion and audit purposes, a record is kept confirming the training completed by each authorised staff member and the date completed.
Notwithstanding any action the System Operator may take with regard to data breaches, the practice will continue to implement local staff conduct and disciplinary policies with regard to any staff unauthorised access to the My Health Records system.
Our practice will also ensure the following:
- Staff members that we authorise to access the system can be identified by either a unique local identifier or system log-in
- The Practice has current and adequate IT system anti-viral software
- Our Disaster Recovery Plans are current and executable ensure our IT systems and hardware is physically protection against unauthorised access or hacking
- That each authorised user of the system has a secure password
We regularly review our security and procedures for accessing the My Health Records system, report the findings to management and revise our procedures accordingly.
The practice has set out a risk reporting procedure to allow staff to inform management regarding any suspected security issue or breach of the system.
All staff in the practice and any healthcare providers to whom the organisation supplies services under contract have access to this Policy. The practice will notify all personnel of changes to these Policies and Procedures when they occur.
Drummond Dermatology
Suite 16, Francis Chambers
40-42 Corinna St, Phillip ACT 2606
The best way to contact us is via email
E: contact@drumderm.com.au
P: +61 2 5114 2682
F: +61 2 5114 2684
Office Hours:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9.30am–2.30pm
Tuesdays, Thursdays 9.00am–5.00pm

How to get here
Drummond Dermatology acknowledges, celebrates and pays respect to all First Nations Australians on whose traditional lands we meet and work, and whose cultures are among the oldest continuing cultures in human history.